Some interesting graphs I conjured up a while back for achievements earned on Kongregate, the popular Flash gaming portal.
The first one is based on user data collected by MrRubix in late August 2011. It shows how many users have collected a certain number of badges. The data is very bottom-heavy, so it’s using a log scale (for amusement, the graph using a standard scale is mostly useless). 744670 users have only 1 badge, while only 23 users have all 1593 badges (the max number at the time). Interestingly, the graph is mostly descending until the end, where there’s a sharp increase.
The next set is generated by my own script:
These show historical badge counts for a single user (number earned) and for Kongregate (number available). Graphs are generated dynamically, with JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas. (Original forum thread.)
You can access up-to-date graphs here and any Kongregate username can be specified. It normally takes a few seconds to load (the global badge file is ~700 KB) so please wait for it. I delayed posting this, thinking I would update the script to do some clever caching/loading first, but then got lazy, so this is it.